Why Open Source is Fundamentally & Objectively WRONG ?

Momin Shaikh
6 min readSep 3, 2021

Open-Source Definition :

Let’s talk about Open-Source. Open-Source as it stands by name means source-code is open in public for anyone to read it, understand it and if it’s crap then improve it. that’s all it means.

Open Source as it stands is based upon four basic foundational principles :

1. Communism.

2. You can’t make MONEY by SELLING SOFTWARES anymore.

3. Rip others then Replace others.

4. Exploitations and Dependencies on Emotions/Show-Offs.

It’s not that “I’m selectively picking up bad sides” of open source. It’s that — Objectively and by Nature, Open Source can’t be “Open Source” without these 4 basic foundational principles. Let’s examine all these below —

Open-Source simply doesn’t make you money “by design” , it’s the Closed-Source parts that make money :

Let’s Examine Standard Arguments for making money from Open-Source Softwares :

(i) Support/Counselling/Training — Model : this is the first argument made by Open-Source advocates. But in reality what they actually mean is “Make your codebase so much so complex + time consuming for other people to read or understand; that they have no option but to pay you”. this essentially suggests to make reading and understanding most of the codebase hard and useless. which in turn contradicts it’s open-sourceness and “In Practice”, renders it on the exact same-level as a CLOSED-SOURCE software while still maintaining the Open-Source Labelling Hoax. Red-Hat, Linux is the prime example of this hoax model.

But But, Linux Developers get paid though ? Anti-Microsoft companies like-Google, Facebook, IBM, Fujitsu companies have their own interests, that’s the reason they invest, not because Linux is Great and Open-Source.

(ii) Open-Core/Extra-Features /Services Redirections — Model : in this model the core of the software in question is open-source. but note that the trick is the money-making services are Closed-Source therefore it is also another hoax while still maintaining the “Open-Source” Labelling. In reality it’s the Closed-Source parts that earns money, not open source 🙂. Docker, Nginx & Google making money through “Closed-Sourced Google Search/Youtube” on top of open-source Android are the prime example of this hoax model.

(iii) Selling Services on Cloud — Model : this model essentially make money from HARDWARE only , by hosting Open-Source softwares on the cloud and has nothing to do whatsoever with softwares be it “open source” or closed source. All the Cloud Services and notably GitHub CodeSpaces service which runs “open source” VS Code in the cloud are example of this.

My Code is FREE of Charge but My Time is NOT :

One of the standard argument put forward by open source advocates. Your Time is NOT free therefore your Code CAN NOT be free either. Because Your Code is dependent on Time and won’t be produced/won’t exist without Time in the first place. It is just a twisted way of saying Your Code is NOT FREE.

True Communism doesn’t Exist. It’s an Illusion :

There is no such thing as Communism. In this world — There were, are and will always be “Authorities” to govern/to make laws for societies/peoples — even in so called “Communism Societies” ; and all “Authorities” had, have and will always have their own Hidden Objectives/Agendas. Developments are not possible in True Communism by Definition, because everything and everyone is equal and therefore there’s no need for it.

Open Source is Deceptive & Evil :

Open Source is All About Community Effort , Making The World A Better Place , it’s how we Progress, Right ? Shortcut Answer is : Hell No, that’s where the deception is. So Let’s examine that too —

Firstly, It’s no secret that we crave for everything to be open source . let me ask you, But Why do we need everything to be open source in the first place ? Logical Answer will be “It’s how we learn FOR FREE”. Again, Why do we need to learn that particular thing X & Y & Z in the first place ? Logical Answer will be either : (1.) Because It enriches our knowledge. (2.) We need the knowledge to work on our PERSONAL/COMMUNITY projects. Now, Anything other than Option (2) is Subjective. so that’s leaves us with option (2).

Remember, one of the principles of Open-Source is : Rip Others then Replace Others. Most of the time, Others = Rip Closed Source Software Vendors and then Replace them. But nobody will work for free, so Open Source must exploit people Emotionally through Emotional Social Rewards aka. the Dopamin Drug.

So hers’s the deception lies :

Step 1. People start personal/community projects [option (2) starts here].

Step 2. Make Other People Work for free through Exploiting them Emotionally (eg: for FUN®/Good Feelings).

Step 3. Rip Others then Replace Others . (this foundational principle, by extension, installs Rebellious/Aggressiveness Natures/Behaviors among the Developers and Users towards the Ripped Organizations ; as a result the whole community becomes Rebellious/Aggressive towards them — which CAN lead to Terrific Actions.)

Step 4. Preach Open Source Makes Money, but in practice, Uses any of these above 3 Hoax Model to make MONEY but still deceptively label it as Open-Source.

Step 5. Preach Open Source Changes the World , is not Evil but don’t tell others that open source is built upon emotional exploitations and by DESTROYING Other’s Software Business. Never tell that, Ever.

Just Imagine, Every Doctors , Engineer, Lawyer started to work FOR FREE , how will they survive ? If they have side income source from other industries they may survive but the others won’t, simply because those former Emotional Reward Seeker Doctors, Engineer, Lawyers have literally destroyed the market.

To make “Open Source is All About Community Effort , Making The World A Better Place , it’s how we Progress” this fantasy true, these FUN®/Good Feelings/Emotional Reward Seekers are literally destroying Software Markets in the long term.

People just don’t realize it because of the constant Dopamine Drug they get from Open Source. Open Source or So called “Contributing to Open Source” has essentially become A Video Game where people do stuffs just for FUN®/just for Good Feelings.

The Solution to this is : Accept the fact that THERE’S NOTHING FREE in this world :

(Open-Source can’t simply be Open Source without essentially Ripping then Replacing Others, it simply can’t be because it’s literally one of the foundational principles of it.) Solution is DON’T GO NEAR OPEN SOURCE for Show-Offs or even Learnings purposes. (I know it initially sounds awkward but it’s the logical way because The Open Source Code you got is a product of someone else ripping then replacing someone’s else’s software selling business or Even if the things you got are from Author’s Originals, Open-Sourcing them in the first place has reasons that are either they want Free Marketings of their products or Free Labors through Emotions which Open-Source provides!). rather Spend money for learning purposes and if you don’t have money use traditional way of studying Sample Codes for learning. This way the Software Market won’t be destroyed in the long term.

Open-Source exploits and operates PRIMARILY on Emotions :

As said earlier, Open Source has essentially become like Video Games where people do stuffs just for FUN® aka for Good Feelings aka for Emotions. The moment you ask people why would they want to contribute their time for free, the reply you will get is “Because it’s FUN® aka Good Feelings which basically means they want to get the Social Rewards through the Feeling of they achieving something, the Feeling of One is something, the Feeling of One is part of something, the Desire to SHOW-OFF one’s coding skills. Desires/Feelings itself are nothing but Emotions. Now, Corporations do Exploit people’s these “Emotions” usingSelling Services on Cloud — Model” and Individuals-Business Owners exploit people’s these “Emotions” for free marketing of their Softwares/Products.

People contribute to Open-Source to get those FUN®/Good Feelings/Emotions/Social Rewards. Once they realize that those FUN®/Good Feelings/Emotions/Social Rewards are not coming/enough, they mask it with terms like “Burn-Outs” but in reality it actually means that they are not getting what they initially hoped for.

Softwares-Security absolutely doesn’t have anything to do with it’s Source being Open or Close :

Another Popular Hoax put forward by Open-Source Advocates.

  1. Software’s Security-Issues Reporting depend on their popularity , if they are not popular they won’t be reported. Be it’s source being Open or Close.
  2. Software’s Security-Issues Fix depend on how much of impactful the issues are, if the issues are not that much of impactful they become Subject to Pure Interests/May or May not be fixed at all , No Guarantees. Be it’s source being Open or Close.

Because of these four basic foundational premises of Open-Source, these makes it Fundamentally & Objectively WRONG. That’s it for Today. 👋

